Delivery tracking for 111 countries

Tracking of EMS items sent to/from Israel is available to the following countries
Albania Cyprus Kyrgyzstan Portugal
Antilles - Netherlands Czech Republic Laos Romania
Argentina Denmark Latvia Russia
Armenia Ecuador Lithuania Rwanda
Aruba El Salvador Luxembourg Senegal
Australia Estonia Macao Singapore
Austria Ethiopia Macedonia Slovakia
Azerbaijan Finland Madagascar Slovenia
Bahamas France Maldives Solomon Islands
Barbados Gabon Mali South Korea
Belarus Georgia Malta Spain
Belgium Germany Mauritania Sweden
Benin Ghana Mauritius Switzerland
Bermuda Great Britain Mexico Taiwan
Bhutan Greece Moldova Tanzania
Bosnia-Herzegovina Guyana Mongolia Thailand
Botswana Hong Kong Montenegro Tunisia
Brazil Hungary Mozambique Uganda
Bulgaria Iceland Myanmar Ukraine
Canada India Nepal United States of America
Cayman Islands Ireland Netherlands Uruguay
Chile Italy New Zealand Uzbekistan
China-People's Rep. Ivory Coast Norway Vanuatu
Colombia Jamaica Papua New Guinea Venezuela
Costa Rica Japan Paraguay Vietnam
Croatia Jordan Peru Zambia
Cuba Kazakhstan